
Our Services


We use competitive pricing that is fair and equitable and that provides alternative dispute resolution services for all of our diverse communities.

Call us at 909-283-3991 to book your free 30-minute consultation.


This issue is usually the most contentious issue of any divorce, the most emotional, and the most time consuming. We offer a safe, private, space in which to work through your disagreements and concerns and come to a resolution with which you can go home, or back to your attorney without having paid huge attorney fees but with an agreement, you can use to move forward into your new separate lives and your children will feel more secure knowing their parents have worked together to secure their future.

Elder Care

Even the closest families sometimes find it challenging to agree on how to care for their parents and grandparents as they begin to decline. At Magnum Mediation, we can assist you to resolve any disputes that may arise from this process peacefully, confidentially, satisfactorily, and sustainably. While we cannot provide you with legal advice, we can provide you with the patience, compassion, and persistence you will need to come to a mutually agreeable resolution.


You may be an employee who feels you've been treated badly or unfairly by your employer, or perhaps you are an employer who is having problems with a vendor. Whatever your situation, Magnum Mediation can help you work through your issue and come to a mutually agreeable resolution.


Whether it's Admin. vs. Faculty or Student vs. Admin., I come from a long history in education and would be happy to help you resolve your differences. I spent many years in high school and college classrooms as a teacher and professor, so I know what goes on. Let Magnum Mediation help you resolve your differences, whatever they are. No issue is too small that we can't help you bring your conflict to a mutually satisfying resolution.


I am an American and British citizen, born, raised, and educated in New York. I also lived and worked in England for twenty-six years and was an English teacher in a continuation high school in California for many years, so I have a deep appreciation for different cultures, sensibilities, and customs. If your conflict straddles borders, or even if it is within your own country, let Magnum Mediation help you resolve those differences.

Neighbor & Property disputes

Is your neighbor's garbage can obstructing your driveway? Is your neighbor's security camera focused on your garden? Have you got an issue with your landlord, property management, or roommate? At Magnum Mediation, we have a long history of helping people resolve these kinds of disputes. Give us a call. You'll find our prices are incredibly fair.

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